Ryan is HERE!!! We're so excited to be home and to have Ryan with us!!! She is an absolute beauty and we are a family of 4!!! She was born February 21, 2008 at 00:41 (12:41 a.m.) She weighed 7 lbs. 12 ounces and was 19 inches. We got home from the hospital about 1530 today and we've just been hanging out doing our thing! Alexis is thrilled to have a baby sister and LOVES to hold her!! I feel pretty good and I've decided the second baby is DEFINATELY an easier recovery!! Thank goodness! Of course I still have a little ways to go but I'm feeling pretty good!! Ryan is already a champion nurser and hopefully I won't have the problems I had with Lex! We are so blessed!! Here are some pics from the last 48 hours...
Getting ready to leave for the hospital (I know I LOOK scared b/c I AM scared!!)
Getting ready to leave for the hospital (I know I LOOK scared b/c I AM scared!!)

Welcome to the world Ryan!!
Daddy loving his baby girl!
Mommy tired but happy!
Lexie and Ryan meeting for the first time!!!

Ryan Pyper McBride

Daddy, Ryan, and Alexis

Daddy and Ryan

Ryan's first time going outside!!! (she slept the whole way home, of course!)

Sucking her fingers!!!