Travis left less than a couple weeks before my birthday (the big 3-3 I'm not scared!) I think because of that everyone decided to try and make it the best birthday ever! It even turned into a 2 day event thanks to the mad babysitting skills of Nathan Holtgrewe. My birthday fell on a Sunday so I woke up the girls homemade flowers complete with poems, notes, and a glass vase. I went to church and got some beautiful Birthday Leis (thanks Krystal and Courtney!) After church Cristine cooked me dinner and a cheesecake (maybe my new cake for every year I love me some cheesecake!) The next weekend Nate watched all 5 kids and Cristine and I had a girls day complete with manicures, pedicures, and lunch. Then met up with some other great girls for dinner and a movie (DIVERGENT!) I also can not say thank you enough to all those who texted, called, facebooked, and told me in person Happy Birthday. I have some fabulous people in my life. It was a great birthday!
Fantatstic gifts from the girls. They had it set up like this when I got up. |
Showing off my leis (and my never improving selfie skills.) |
No we did not have to call the fire department. |
Mani/Pedi time! |
Movie Night! Thanks for coming Brooke, Lindsay, Ashley, Aleisha, and Cristine! |
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