The McBride's

The McBride's

Thursday, November 19, 2009


We are finally starting to feel settled in. Ft. Benning, GA is our new home and we are loving it!! I am happy to be stateside although I am already feeling a little adjustment to the fast pace life. It was much easier in Germany to say, "Oh our family only eats out once a week max." In the states you get out and doing things you need to do and all of a sudden it's 7 p.m. and the kids need to be fed, bathed, and put to bed in the next 30 minutes and you're about 20 minutes from the house still... I think it will get better. We are just still getting last minute things that we need for the house or visiting new babies (our friends the Flynn's had their new baby boy on Sunday and we got to see the little 2 day old since we now live 15 minutes away!)

I'm going to start backtracking a little bit with pics since we did so much and I really want to share the pictures. I'm starting back in Germany with all our goodbye pics. We had to say goodbye to some really great friends and it was super hard. I would have stayed in Germany in a heartbeat if I knew all those friends would always get to stay there with me (you know who you are!) I didn't get as many pics as I should have. I don't have any goodbye pics with Anni (Erica I KNOW I took some when we said goodbye at your house?? Were they with your camera???) And I didn't get enough with everyone else either but we weren't really thinking about pics we were too busy feeling sorry for ourselves! :)

I know you are going to hate this pic Ester but I LOVE it! :)

Together since they were born!

So sweet to each other.

The McGrewe kids! :)

1 comment:

Cristine said...

Thanks for making me tear up!!! I love the one of the McGrewe kids! Miss you guys more and more every day. I know I'm a sap, but I can't help it. Love you!