Last week was Dr. Suess's birthday but at Lexi's school they were doing some testing so this week they celebrated. :) Each day of the week they wore different things (like Wacky Wednessday, Silly Sock day etc.) Today was wear your Dr. Suess hat and red and white. I realized the ONLY red thing Alexis has in her closet is her red tutu (we need to go do some shopping asap!:) ) So she wore the tutu and white tights and a white shirt. Unfortunately, today was also P.E. Day so she had to wear tennis shoes with the tights (SO not a fan and I apologize especially to Cristine! :) ) Anyway, her teacher sent a picture out of all the kids and they all looked so adorable I had to share! :)
On an un-related note, Theresa and Konnor are coming in a WEEK and I am SOOOOOO freaking excited!!!!!!
She looks ADORABLE!!!!
Look at that super cute smile front and center!!!!
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