Sweet girls.
Ryan and the elephant in the background.
We had a great time at the zoo!!
Sweet girls.
Ryan and the elephant in the background.
We had a great time at the zoo!!
Ryan playing in the baby area. Let me out mommy! Playing with Grandpa Jones
Riding the carasoul with Travis!
The teacups. Okay seriously I do not do well with motion sickness. Never have. Just ask my Uncle Phylip about the time I puked in his brand new car 5 minutes after we drove off. Alexis on the other hand seems to be fine with things spinning out of control. So we got on the teacups together. Me thinking, oh she's 3 she won't want to go to fast. Hmmm not true SHE spun us so fast I had to tell her to stop b/c mommy was sick. Then I felt sick the whole rest of the night! She, on the other hand had a BLAST!
The "rollercoaster." It was kind of like a rollercoaster but basically just went in a circle SUPER fast! The ride said you had to be 4 and 36 inches well she is 36 inches... They didn't ask so she went for it. The ride went so fast I was so nervous she would freak and want to get off but no. At the halfway point they stop it and go backwards and a couple of people did get off but not Lex. I guess it's just a kid thing to love rides. I couldn't get on it. I was still sick from the tea cups! :)