Sunday, May 30, 2010
I have mixed feelings about pre-school "graduation." I know most pre-schools do it and I, honestly, think it's a little silly. I can understand kindergarten b/c they say it's such an important year of school but to me pre-k for Lex was just getting her adjusted to the school setting. Now having said that when I got the invite for hers I wasn't going to miss it for the world! It was actually perfect. Very low key. Just some parents and the teachers and kids. They were even dressed in their swimsuits b/c the last day of school was a water day. I really liked Lexi's pre-school teacher and although she was already doing well with letters, numbers, and colors she still learned a lot about animals, insects, the President, nursery rhymes, etc. She had to tell Trav what she learned everyday in school for one of her "chores" and it was great to listen to my little sponge! So here is my baby on her pre-school graduation day. Wow time is flying.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
I know I've been posting a lot of these video clips. Mostly b/c I just figured out how to but also I just think my kids are adorable. :) Alexis taught Ryan that my name is Monica so now she she thinks it's hilarious to call me momica. She's such a comedian! :)
Friday, May 14, 2010
What can I say? She hears the music and she has to dance! :) Ryan has been really into little people which is great since we have so much little people stuff from Alexis! :)
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
The quality of these is not great b/c it was with my phone AND it will only record 30 seconds at a time. I still wanted to share. You may have to turn your volume WAY up to hear! :)
Is she too young to have Justin Bieber fever? HAHA Not really but when she heard this song playing she ran in and said mommy I know that song! Then got her dance on! :)
These are a couple of her reading. It's hard to tell how well she's doing with only 30 seconds at a time but I'm pretty proud of her. My favorite is when she tells me she needs to stop b/c it's a period. Usually we stop at the periods and talk about what she just read. I can't believe she's starting kindergarten in just a few months!!