The McBride's

The McBride's

Friday, April 13, 2012


We really had a great Spring Break.  I feel like we got a lot of fun stuff in!  On Friday we went with the neighborhood (known as the "bus stop mafia" to some :))  to the Space Science Musuem here in Columubs.  It's a small musuem but well worth the free entry. :)  Usually it's 6 dollars per person but I had a bunch of coupons for free entry up to a family of 4 so we all got in free!  
Playing with some remote control cars.
The weather stations.  The kids thought it was really cool to see themselves on the t.v.
Then we found the blanket to put over them and made floating heads. HAHA
Then the moms had to join in the fun of course!
Flight simulators (they spent the majority of the time on these.)  We went early and were almost the only  people in there!
Planatarium.  This was fun to watch although it got me a little queasy... :)  I LOVE this group and I am going to miss them so much!!!
This was their doing!  Although we tried to get Dillon in there and he wasn't interested. HAHA

1 comment:

Cristine said...

Looks like a cool museum! Love the floating heads!