The McBride's

The McBride's

Sunday, December 14, 2014


My friend Cortney from Church invited us to do the Color Vibe and I went back and forth because my kids LOVE these color runs but they're not exactly cheap.  Then I found out the kids were free and I signed us all up!!  Ashley and I and all of our kids met up with Cortney her friend Kirstin and all of their kids!  It was quite the group and it was a lot of fun.  Alexis especially loves running these.  Ryan does well with a couple breaks and poor David just wants out of the stroller but falls because the asphalt isn't even...  We had fun and not just during the race.  The girls danced their hearts out before and after and we had a great Veterans Day morning!

Still clean and all posed.

All the kids and Cortney.

At the end having our own color party!

Some of the kids 3 of the adults. My girls literally rolled in the pink...

Lex and Hannah got a little colored...

Ryan and her buddy Hayley.

We have a good time.

Reping the shirt bling.

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